One of the things my husband and I do every other morning is we juice ! We add carrots, celery, apples, ginger, beets and spinach. Recently, i was reading WEB Md at a Dr's visit and I came across a small article regarding beet juice and its relation to blood pressure.
A study in Nutrition Journal showed that drinking just one single glass of beet juice can lower a male's blood pressure by 4-5 points. This was a study done in 15 healthy male volunteers. Specifically, the beet juice lowered the systolic blood pressure (the top number in a blood pressure reading). Notably, women were also in the study,with little change in the BP, but it had a significant effect on the men.
I'll be honest with you, Beets are the most annoying thing to juice. They are so messy- your hands, sink, counter and anything you touch will be purple if you are not careful. We juice the whole beet too, by the way- the beet, the stem and the leaves. It can be a little bitter, but add one apple to counteract that and you are good to go. Another Positive Health Benefit for juicing - help your heart !!
Check out my special article here on maximizing your health here:
Source: WebMD March April 2013
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