I don't know what happens. I guess we all have temporary lapses of judgement, who knows. Seriously though, sometimes you just have to use common sense...
Let's say you get recommended a medication with some really nasty side effects. It might behoove you to change your diet or activity level and try to combat your health issue naturally first. Here's an example, I know someone who was recommended medication because her sugar level was high. She decided, and her doctor even agreed, to cut most sugar out of the diet and re access. It was very hard for her because she had a definite sweet tooth. However, she started to decrease the amount of sweets she ate in a day, and POOF !!! Her sugar levels were back to normal within 2 weeks.
Long story short she is fine and she doesn't take any medications! Is it worth the effort? You better believe it is in my book.
However cutting sugar out of your diet is not the easiest thing in the world. Same with losing weight or making other changes in your health. Telling yourself- "oh let me get through the christmas holiday" or "my birthday is coming up, so i will will start cutting out my sugar after that" is not going to work. It never does. I have seen this type of mentality too many times. You get through the holidays and guess what...the next occasion is just around the corner. Maybe its a party, maybe it's a holiday or maybe you are just not in the mood. Stuff happens. Start taking care of your body NOW and it will take care of you for the rest of your life. Your body is too important of a vessel to ignore. If you eat too much sugar or are under too much stress and it is causing you to have health problems - do something about it now. Also most times, no one really needs to really tell you these facts that you need to change. You know deep down if you need to do something about your health. But laziness and Stuff just gets in the way. This happens to the best of us.
Exercise, drink water, reduce your stress, reduce your sugar intake, exercise your brain- Respecting our health has to be at the fore front of our minds. Without health, we cannot make or enjoy our money. We cannot see our children grown up. We cannot spend time with our families. All the "finer" things in life cannot be experienced.
My final thoughts. Don't be " too busy" to start taking care of your health. If you are, your health might fail you and you will spend the rest of your life worrying and basically going from one doctor to the next. Taking one prescription to the next. That will be all you think of. Your health is just too important. Start taking care of it now.