Where does Chronic Neck Pain Come From?
Chronic neck pain, or pain in the neck that is ongoing can be very debilitating. It literally affects all of our activities of daily living. Simply sitting down at a table to eat your breakfast can be a difficult task. Where can this type of pain arise from?
One place that chronic neck pain can start is after a car accident. Even a simple tap from another car behind your vehicle can set into motion neck pain. Rear end and front end collisions can be big causes of neck pain related injuries. This may not start immediately after the car accident but it can start after weeks or months without the right treatment. There may be injury to facets, discs, ligaments and muscles.If this fine balance is interrupted, pain in the neck can linger for a long time.
Ergonomic Products Can Help Neck Pain
The 1st question to ask yourself is, where does your neck pain bother you:
- at home
- at work
- at night
- during exercise
- during sleep
Once you establish this, we can help you choose the best ergonomic product for neck pain.
Look at your activities of daily living to help you establish where your pain is at its worse. For example, after sitting on the computer for 8 hours at work, does that aggravate your neck pain? Maybe after working out your abs you have neck pain?
Once you determine this, you can go about figuring how to improve things. Sometimes its as a simple as tilting up/down your computer screen so that you are at the correct angle for viewing.
In the next post, we will explore products that can help you end pain at work (Part II). Stay Tuned.
Additional Reading: