Posture - Something that Everyone Notices About YOU
I am sure that you have been told at least once in your life to "stand up straight", "stop slouching", or "pick up your head" - Posture is one of those things that is just noticeable in everyday life. Simply by seeing someone's posture, you can judge something about them. Not only that, but it also can affect your health as well. When you stand up straighter, you can breathe better, and it's good for your posture and alignment of the spine. Overtime, if we do not watch our posture - it can affect our health, our well being, and even our physical appearance. I am sure you have heard of hunchback posture? Countless times I have received requests from customers to help them with their posture.
So lets talk about posture. Specifically ways that we can improve our posture.
Wear a Posture Correcting Brace
A posture correcting brace and give you great back support and help you stand up straighter. You can wear it right under your clothes and it serves as a reminder that you have to stand up straighter. It will push your shoulders down and back.
Use a Pillow at Night that Aligns Your Neck and Spine
By helping to align your spine in the upper back and middle back, it can also help with muscle spasms.
None of us like to stop everything we are doing, and take time out of our busy schedule to do neck traction or postural exercises. So if we have a pillow that helps do this it's multitasking for us. Why not, we are going to be sleeping anyway; why not work on our posture too! One very effective pillow for this is the arc4life cervical linear traction neck pillow for side and back sleepers.
Stand Up Straighter. Be Aware of How You Sit and Stand
Part of the reason our spine will shift is if we have a continuous posture. You know if we constantly tilt our head right to hold a phone at work, that constant head tilt starts to become your normal posture. So be aware of this sort of thing, it's important
Use a lumbar support when you sit for long periods or in the car for driving
Certain activities put a lot of pressure on the spine. A lumbar support or low back cushion will help you hold good posture. No matter what, after sitting a long time you will start to lose good posture. One simple way to take this challenge is to use a back support. Great for use while sitting in the office or driving in the car.
Yoga, Pilates, Aerobic Exercises, Spinning - whatever you partake in - watch your posture while you exercise. Just do some sort of exercise. It helps your bones stay stronger in the long run.
Posture is something that you have to work on.
Bad Posture doesn't just happen overnight. One day you will look at yourself in the mirror or catch a glimpse of yourself or see a photograph and think - why is there a bump on my upper shoulders, why am i not standing straighter?
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