Recently I read a very interesting article about cold therapy. I have written about the benefits of cold therapy before. I truly believe in the benefits of this. This article is about a dutch guy named Wim Hof who became famous for submerging himself in very cold water. He combines this exposure to extreme cold with deep breathing, and mental focus . Wim Hof has many followers who believe in the health benefits that cold plunges can have.
The Ice Man, Wim Hof in his element
According to Wim Hof, exposing yourself to the cold by doing ice water baths, cold water plunges or simply starting by taking cold showers can have many benefits. He combines this cold water therapy with special deep breathing exercises. The author describes the breathing exercises: the breathing is controlled hyperventilation, done in 3-6 sets of 30-40 deep breaths (you have to strongly inhale, and do a relaxed exhale). On the last breath of each set, you exhale and hold for one to 3 minutes before taking a recovery breath and holding for 15 seconds. This can cause a tingly and dizzyness feeling, as with other breathing and mediation disciplines.
It can boost the immune system, improve concentration and well being. It can help to increase will power. It can also manage certain health conditions such as fibromyalgia and depression. It can further relieve stress and help you sleep better. Wim Hof's method adds breathing exercises to exposing yourself to cold water. This further can benefit your heart, and reduce inflammation. With the deep breaths you are increasing lymphatic flow. This recruits lymphocytes and natural killer cells into the bloodstream. These are particularly important because they are looking out for bacteria, viruses and pathogens. Its immune protection at its best. Personally, I don't think Coronavirus would stand a chance.
"I'm not afraid to die, I'm afraid not to live" - Wim Hof
Researchers have taken notice. He has submitted himself to observation and experimentation. Major universities have shown that he can control his own body temperature, nervous system and immune response. He can turn on his bodies own opiates and cannabinoids, chemicals that make you feel good and provide natural pain relief. He has even been injected with E.Coli bacterial toxin. Normally a person would get headache, chills, fever, nausea- he had no flu like symptoms.
Source: Outside Magazine, Mr.Freeze by Susan Casey, 9/10/2020, Page 70
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